WP1 Requirements and application use cases for s4pro
WP1 will define application scenarios, as well as requirements for the processing chain, the on-board management software, payload processing and on-board storage, as well as communication related processing requirements.
WP2 Reference missions and smart algorithms optimization study
WP2 will perform an analysis of EO mission design alternatives (for SAR and Optical) and communication related processing thus deducing relevant algorithms for the optimisation. Afterwards the algorithms will be optimised for optical and SAR instruments EO, as well as for navigation related processing and hardware acceleration. The outputs of this WP will feed the WP3 self-optimising SW library implementation and the application SW and performance benchmarks implementation and the WP4 specifications and architecture design.
WP3 Processing system software and performance benchmarks
WP3 will focus on processing system SW and performance benchmarks resulting in a consolidation of the application SW and performance benchmarks and their evaluation. Results from SW implementation will directly feed into WP5 HW-SW integration and demonstration in relevant environment activity.
WP4 S4Pro Hardware System and Integration
WP4 will perform activities related to the processing system HW and system integration. Activities include modules design and components manufacturing, assembly and integration.
WP5 S4PRO Validation
WP5 will analyse the requirements. Also, intermediate and final results will be continuously validated in specific WP5 tasks. This important WP will result in the validation and demonstration of the system in relevant environment thus achieving TRL6.
WP6 Sustainable impact through dissemination, communication and business modelling
WP6 will be in charge of communication, dissemination, exploitation and business modelling activities. All partners are involved with view to promote S4Pro, raise awareness on its results, as well as prepare the future exploitation of results.
WP7 Project Management
WP7 will focus on project management activities both at WP and higher strategic level.
WP8 Ethics requirements
This work package sets out the ‘ethics requirements’ that the project must comply with.